A Blog about not having the time to write a blog...

Have you ever found your self doing one thing because you don't have the time to do the thing you really should be doing, though the thing you are doing instead actually takes just as much time? This is the story of my bookstore life. Probably of my life as a whole.

I have so many ideas for things I want to share with you. Stories about the strange thoughts and daily occurrences of bookstore life that I share periodically in this space. But I have been so busy thinking them and living them that I have not had the time to write about them.

Things like my daily internal conversation about the disappearance of adverbs from the American lexicon, and while we are at it why can't people ( particularly newscasters) pronounce T's when they are internal to a word? Think about the last time you heard the word "important" used , didn't it sound like "imporant"? What is that? What became of them? Did they suffer the same fate as the planet Pluto and just one day lose their place in this world? I mean what is so hard about adding an “ly” to a word or actually pronouncing the letter”t”? When someone asks you how you are doing the answer is not “I am doing amazing” . You are not! You may be doing “amazingly well” but that is also up for debate . Seriously though, I digress, and I don't have time for digressing today, remember?

There is so much more I want to share. An update on the bookstore chickens, a new idea for a podcast/vlog with visiting authors, a new book club at the store etc , etc , etc.

So here is the deal. I will give you info on the bookclub (since it starts today ) and the immediatly upcoming events in this newsletter and then circle back (complete with adverbs and "t's" ) on the other stuff later. For now please read the rest of this newsletter and you will learn about the events taking place in the next week or so. Be back soon!